PivX Paper Wallet Generator: Generate paper wallet for PivX crypto coin

PivX Paper Wallet Generator

PivX is a fast growing crypto currency. There is a lot of hype around the privacy which is why currencies like Monero and PivX are on the rise. If you are not a day trader and want to store the PivX for a long time, the best way is making a paper wallet, thus storing it offline. PivX paper wallet generator is now online and you can generate one for yourself easily. Follow the steps given below to generate your own PivX paper wallet.


Auctus ICO Scam–empty github, reddit: Do not invest in Auctus Token sale

Auctus ICO Scam

If you invest in right crypto currency in its early days, then there is a good chance that you would not have to worry about investing in pension funds – like the new Auctus ICO. It claims to be the a smart contract powered pension funds but once you visit their website, you are presented with a big blue button pointing to a whitepaper. Nothing else – no other link – nada.


Vertcoin Added on Bittylicious: Buy Vertcoin using GBP British Pounds

vertcoin gbp uk

Folks at Bittylicious have added Vertcoin (VTC) support which means you can now purchase Vertcoins directly, without buying Bitcoin or Ethereum. There is also no need to go to an exchange just to buy BTC/ETH first and then exchanage them for Vertcoins. It is possible to make the purchase on Bittylicious using bank transfer or credit card. Price is slightly higher when you buy Vertcoins using credit card due to higher transaction feeds.


Red Pulse ICO not open to Chinese users: Major setback for Neo

red pulse ico

Red Pulse is slated to be the first ICO that will use NEO to fund itself. Today, it announced that due to stricter ICO regulations, the Chinese citizens will not be allowed to take part in the Red Pulse ICO. Being the first ICO to use Neo, it means no skyrocketing of Neo like Ethereum this year. This is extremely bad for the Neo that was meant as the launchpad for ICOs. Ethereum is often used for funding the ICOs and this was massive chance for Neo to prove itself and replace Ethereum for funding.


Ripple and Central Bank of China in talks but do not get your hopes up

ripple central bank of china

Ripple team was there in China to have a meeting with Central bank of China to make cross border payments more seamless. Ripple’s official twitter account sent out a tweet regarding this and this caused the price to jump from $0.19 to $0.24. However, it shall be noted that China has strict stance on banking and fintech sector since the Chinese government consider these sector to be on national security’s priority list. So if a company does not have more than 51 percent Chinese shareholder, they would not be allowed to operate in China.


Hshare HSR is a scam coin: How did Hshare achieve 1 billion dollar market cap? Why is Hshare a scam then?

Hshare started its life as a small crypto currency coin and has been trading around 20 dollars from quite sometime. It had extremely small marketcap of 20 million dollars. Today, the company gave everyone 500 times the amount of Hshares they had. The thing is – each coin should technically be worth $0.04 but the market hasn’t reacted to the supply change. This can be explained like this – Imagine you are the first one to do the trade after your balance got multiplied 500 times and the bid book has not reset you to the new prices.


NEO Paper Wallet Creator: How to create or restore NEO paper walet

neo paper wallet creator

If you cannot afford a NEO hardware wallet or do not like their idea, you can still safely store funds on a NEO paper wallet. This is similar to Litecoin and bitcoin paper wallet. Here is how NEO paper wallet works – you send the funds from your current wallet to public address of NEO paper wallet. Once you have done it, you can track your funds at https://neotracker.io/ which is a blockchain explorer. If you wish to send it to another wallet, use the private key to log into NEO desktop wallet and send the funds.


Ledger Nano S NEO update: Neo hardware wallet support

Ledger Nano S NEO

A developer on Neo’s reddit page has confirmed that he has started working in making Ledger Nano S work with Neo wallet. Hardware wallets are extremely popular among people who want maximum security for their crypto currencies. If you are planning to store a large amount of Neo, going for hardware wallet like Ledger Nano S is a wise investment.


District0X added to Exodus wallet: Exodus adds DNT token

exodus wallet district0x

Exodus wallet has added District0X crypto currency which is one of the most popular crypto coin wallets out there. This is a big news for this new currency which is gaining traction rapidly. However, keep in mind that this is the Exodus EDEN which is a special version created by the Exodus’ developers to test out new crypto currencies.


Lightning network deployed on Litecoin mainnet

Lightning network deployed on Litecoin mainnet

Charlie Lee, who is the founder of litecoin has announced on his twitter account that he is testing lightning network on the mainnet. Bitcoin has already locked in segwit. You can now expect announcement of atomic swaps between litecoin and bitcoin anytime soon. This pumped the litecoin’s value to $55 for few minutes but it later came to 50 dollar.
