Horizen team removes support for TokenMint

Horizen team has announced that it has removed support for its side chain, TokenMint that allowed users to create tokens and trade them just like Ethereum and Binance tokens. 

horizen tokenmint

TokenMint was still in proof-of-concept phase but it never gained popularity. 

Their team has urged users to move their ZEN tokens off of TokenMint, so that their funds are not lost. 

For this, users must use Cobalt wallet/webapp to send funds from TokenMint to ZEN blockchain. Keep in mind, if you send ZEN to another Horizen Mainnet address outside of Sphere could lead to a loss of funds. 

On February 21st, TokenMint testnet will be depreciated and on March 6th 2024, the main net will be depreciated. 

Use Cobalt wallet and connect to TokenMint chain. Then, go to Assets and Activity page and click on ZEN row, allowing you to send ZEN coins to mainnet / testnet. 

Once you have sent the funds to mainent/testnet, it can take upto 72-hours for ZEN to show up in your wallet. 

This is second feature removed by Horizen team, with first being removal of all privacy features which makes ZEN a clone of bitcoin, rather than something like Dash and Monero, both of which are privacy coins.