Category: Other

Download Pivx Android Wallet: Official Pivx Android wallet available for download

download pivx wallet

Pivx has churned out its official mobile wallet for android devices. This will allow users to make mobile payments on the move. Pivx appears to be incredibly committed to their platform and have been fulfilling their promises one by one. There are already official Pivx wallets for windows, Mac, Linux and raspberry and people have been asking for mobile wallet from quite some time.


BTC-E site to remain offline for 5-10 days – Administrator Arrested for Money Laundering

btc-e down

Alexander Vinnik, Administrator of BTC-E has been arrested by Greek police for laundering four billion dollars using Bitcoin. Vinnik is a Russian national and was running very popular crypto currency exchange, BTC-e. The arrest warrant was issued by US Ministry of Justice and according to various reports, USA is looking to extradite Vinnik. The site in question has tweeted in Russian that it will remain offline for coming 5-10 days.


Chaincoin is fraud coin: 60 percent of total Chaincoins owned by 25 people

At crypto currency daddy, we like to make people aware of frauds and there is no bigger fraud than the chaincoin. Almost 60 percent of all coins are owned by the top 25 addresses. Make up your own mind if that’s good or bad. The people behind chaincoin are pushing popular video makers on YouTube to push people to buy as many chain coins as they can to get “rich quick”. So, ‘hodl-gang’ owns most of the coins which is something we do not suggest because sooner or later, they will be pulling the plug and the value of chaincoin crypto currency will plummet.

chaincoin fraud
