Vending Machines in Hong Kong drop support for Bitcoin

Vending machines in Hong Kong support Litecoin, Bitcoin Cash, Ethereum and Binance coin. 

You can use these vending machines to buy all sorts of items including masks to cover your face. However, number one cryptocurrency, Bitcoin is absent from this list. Roger Ver, owner of and founder of Bitcoin Cash has posted a video on twitter about it where he explains that since Bitcoin transactions can be over written by replace-by-fee hack, vending machines have dropped support for it.

So you can use many top cryptocurrencies at these vending machines in Hong Kong but no Bitcoin.

Bitcoin maximalists and die hard supporters were not much impressed. Some said Bitcoin has achieved store of value status and is not meant to be spent like this.

Some said that vending machines can make use Bitcoin lightning network for fast transactions. Reality is that Bitcoin lightning network is prone to high failure and isn’t widely accepted. It is complex to setup and requires specialized wallets as well.