Bitget Global CEO goes missing [strong rumor]
Several rumors are brewing that CEO of Bitget crypto exchange has gone missing. This has confirmed by insiders.

This news was leaked by Coach K Crypto who leaked some screenshots saying Shawn, their CEO as-well-as other C suite executives are being investigated in China. They’re all already on the run.
GET YOUR FUNDS OFF @bitgetglobal right now!
The CEO and one other C level have gone missing, something is happening and be safe vs sorry!!
I warned against them for a long time and now it seems something is really off and we’ve been verifying with ppl its…
— Coach K Crypto (@Coachkcrypto) January 10, 2024
The insider further suggests to withdraw their money from Bitget.

In fact, Bitget has already announced new COO and CMO. Their CEO, Shawn is also cashing out users’ funds.

While the screenshots above do not support anything, but it is better to be safe.
What has Bitget said about this? Well, they have given a vague reply and has not mentioned anything about their CEO.
Waiting for the good news about #BitcoinETF, then FUD comes again? 😂
Everything at #Bitget is working well. Funds are safe and the whole team is working hard to prepare for the next bull run. Thanks to our recent growth, we now have over 100+ positions open, including some…
— Gracy Chen @Bitget (@GracyBitget) January 10, 2024
It is best to be safe especially when there are disgruntled employees pushing out such narratives.
This is a developing story. We will be updating this article as we learn more.