Category: Crypto News

Bitcoin Gold updates equihash algorithm for ASIC resistance


Bitcoin Gold currently makes use of equihash algorithm which is already being used by cryptocurrencies. Bitcoin Gold is going to use modified version of this algorithm in order to keep their blockchain ASIC resistance and prevent it from 51 percent attacks. Current equihash requires minimum 50MB memory but runs faster with 144MB memory. These memory requirements were said to be enough to prevent ASIC manufactures from building ASIC. In 2018, this is not enough.


Ethereum Private (ETHP): Zcash and Ethereum hard forks [June 2018]

ethereum private

Ethereum Private is an upcoming hard fork of Ethereum and Zcash blockchain and promises to combine everything that is great about Ethereum and Zcash. Ethereum Private hard fork date is 13th of June 2018. Each Ethereum holders gets ETHP coins in 1:1 ratio while Zcash holders get 0.5ETHP for each ZEC they hold (1:2). So, if you have 2 ethereum, you get 2 ETHP and if you’ve 2 Zcash, you get 1 ETHP.


ZenCash 51 percent attack and double spents

zencash 51 percent attack

ZenCash network was hit with 51 percent attack yesterday, on June 2nd 2018 at 0243H UTC. The ZenCash team did mitigation steps to increase the difficulty of future attack on its network and safeguarded its network. However, around 6600 ZEN and 13000 ZEN for double spends were done and attacker was able to reorganize more than 30 blocks. This means the attacker knew what he was doing.


Mobi wallet adds support for Bitcoin Gold, Zcash, and Dash

mobi wallet

Mobi wallet is a wallet for your smartphone to store various cryptocurrencies and today, it has announced that it will be adding support for Bitcoin Gold (BTG), Zcash (ZEC) and Dash (DSH). This is a great news for Bitcoin Gold and Zcash because none of them have either android or iOS applications and Mobi wallet app is available on both.


Zcash Overwinter network update 1.1.1 released

Zcash Overwinter network update

Zcash 1.1.1 is overwinter compatible version of Zcash node software that has initial support for upcoming Sapling consensus that is slated to be activated in September 2018. It will also activate Sapling testnet at the block 252500. The Overwinter network update will be happening on 25th of June 2018 when the block 347500 will be mined.
