Category: Crypto News

Tron Alibaba partnerships rumors are brewing again

TRON Alibaba partnership

Rumors are brewing again about the Tron and Alibaba partnership. While there’s nothing official from either sides, the link between tron and Alibaba keeps getting strong every day. The main reason why the rumors have started again is the fact that Jack May, chairman of Alibaba has tendency to invest in projects founded by his former students.


Tron super representative election date and details

Tron super representative election date

The first ever Tron’s (TRX) Super Representative Election will be happening on June 26th 2018 and in this, 27 super representatives will be elected by the ~65.748 billion Tron community. On 21st of June 2018, Tron will no longer be an ERC20 token that runs on Etheruem blockchain. It will have its own blockchain. All this will be happening in month of June so June will be a crucial month for Tron.


MyEtherWallet Hacked using DNS attack: How to use MyEtherWallet safely?

myetherwallet hacked dns

Couple of DNS servers were hijacked to resolve users to be redirected to a phishing site. This is not on myetherwallet side. The redirecting of DNS servers was done and it can happen to any organization including big banks. Hackers often find vulnerabilities in public DNS servers. This happened to mainly those who were mainly using Google DNS servers. If you were using non-Google DNS servers, you are safe.


Tron ERC20 token to mainnet transfer FAQ

tron erc20 mainnet

Tron aka TRX will be moving to mainnet. In this process, your Tron’s TRX tokens will be moved to Tron’s new mainnet. This swap will happen in month of June. For this, you will have to move your TRX ERC20 tokens to an exchange for migration. But what if you are not able to move them on time?


Sumokoin Wallet updated, brings bug fixes and new GUI

Sumokoin Wallet updated

Sumokoin developer team has churned out Aomori release point 1 that includes fixes for various important wallet bugs. Newer user interface will be made available in next update that will be released soon. Same goes for the LITE wallet that will be released immediately after GUI update. Lite wallet does not require you to download entire blockchain as it only downloads the headers. This release is mainly to fix various wallet bugs for more reliable / stable CLI / LITE / GUI wallets and to make sure blockchain synchronization work properly after hardfork v3.


TenX Litecoin debit card coming soon: TenX announces partnership with Litecoin Foundation

tenx litecoin card

TenX developer team has added support for Litecoin on both iOS and Android versions of TenX wallet. The team has already done some live testing of it. Charlie Lee, creator of Litecoin tweeted about it saying, “TenX recently added LTC to their wallets, and we are working with them to launch a Litecoin debit card. Stay tuned for more information. LitePay who?”


Verge hard fork incoming to patch damage, lead dev accidentally forks entire blockchain

verge hack

Verge developers are having a hard time today for sure. First, they accidently forked the entire blockchain and today, the developers are saying they will have to re-fork to patch the damage from the 51% attack. The fork, unfortunately, would not be released until tomorrow and this means the Verge’s blockchain will continue to get wrecked. The bug is still being exploited by the hacker and this means the hackers are free to unload their bags on exchanges. This makes it very easy to tank the price of Verge cryptocurrency.


KuCoin Exchange improves security, adds safe words and security questions

KuCoin Exchange

KuCoin is a fast growing cryptocurrency exchange and today, it has rolled out new features to improve the overall security. The users will now be asked to set up safe words and security questions to prevent hack attacks and phishing. They have also implemented a new login screen. Once, the user has completed the new security settings, you will asked to use security verification process everytime you access your accounts operations. This includes password reset, withdrawals and deposits.


Nemchange launched, a cryptocurrency exchange for NEM tokens


Nemchange, a cryptocurrency exchange for buying and selling NEM based tokens called mosaics has been launched. It runs on NEM blockchain – just like ERC20 tokens run on ethereum blockchain. You can trade any mosaics created on Nemchange. Right now, Nemchange does not allow you to trade non-NEM tokens and cryptocurrencies (other than NEM) but team has plans to add support for some of the most popular ones in future.
