Bitcoin Gold mainnet network upgrade test phase has begun

bitcoin gold

Few days back, we mentioned how the Bitcoin Gold was changing its mining algorithm to make BTG mining difficult for the ASIC miners. Today, the Bitcoin Gold team has begun testing the new algorithm on their test pool. So if you are a miner, you might want to test it.

Create a testnet wallet for yourself from h4x3rotab’s Online Paper Wallet (link).
Before generating your wallet, be sure to go into Settings and change the Network to Bitcoin Gold (testnet), and click on “Submit”.
Download EWBF’s Cuda Equihash Miner from here.
download links above reference the recent v0.2 release which supports Equihash-BTG. CUDA8 or CUDA9 depends on your GPU model.

Unzip EWBF archive and locate miner.cfg. Edit with text editor so it looks like this:

cuda_devices 0 1 2 3 4 5
intensity    64 64 64 64 64 64
templimit    80
pec          0
boff         0
eexit        0
tempunits    C
log          3
logfile      miner.log
algo         144_5
pers         BgoldPoW

# The miner start work from this server
# When the server is fail, the miner will try to reconnect 3 times
# After three unsuccessful attempts, the miner will switch to the next server
# You can add up to 8 servers

# main server
port   3857
user   paste_your_testnet_wallet_here
pass   x

# additional server 1
port   3857
user   paste_your_testnet_wallet_here
pass   x

Now run miner.exe. It should start mining on the BTG testnet.

Keep in mind that you will be mining to testnet so the BTG is testnet-BTG which has no value. You will have to change the server to mainnet BTG once testing is complete.