Ontology listed on eToroX crypto exchange
Popular cryptocurrency exchange, eToroX has just listed Ontology that goes by ticker ONT on their platform. You will be able to trade with these pairs – ONT / USDEX, ONT / BTC and ONT / ETH.

Just like Bitcoin that has fixed marketcap of 21 million coins, Ontology also has fixed supply of 1 billion marketcap.
One thing to keep in mind when depositing ONT on eToroX – you must deposit from an ONT wallet and deposits from any other sources will not be accepted. Also, it appears that deposits do not get automatically credited on the exchange as the announcement clearly mentions that it can upto six hours to credit your ONT deposit.
Ontology features ONT ID, mobile digital ID application and DID used in entire ecosystem. They also have a decentralized data exchange and collaboration framework. Ontology also has its own mainnet since May 2018 even though it started as a typical Neo‘s token when it was launched.
Ontology lets businesses design their own blockchain to suit their needs. Launching on eToroX crypto exchange is a great step forward for the Ontology as it is a regulated cryptocurrency exchange and this will help Ontology become more exchange-friendly.