Category: Crypto News

Cryptobuyer installs Bitcoin ATM machines in South America

Cryptobuyer is a latin American cryto currency startup that has now become the first company to install bitcoin ATM inside a commercial bank. Jorge Luis Farias is the CEO of the company who has played integral part in joining hands with popular South American banks in setting up physical ATMs inside banks. Right now, cryptobuyer has installed two of these.

bitcoin atm bank


Darknet demanding bitcoin to stop spamming: All Base service asks users for bitcoin for stopping harassment

Darknet criminals known as “All Base service” are demanding bitcoin fee to stop spamming. The company specializes in sending out spam email campaigns for a bitcoin fee. Spam services are getting increasingly popular in which the recipients get lot of spam emails and later the “All base service” ask for an amount in crypto currency to get them removed from their hit list.

All Base service darknet


Solidity 0.4.13 available for download

Solidity, a popular contract oriented programming language has just received an update. It includes bugfixes that fixes many trivial yet annoying bugs that popped up on 0.4.12 version. The developers have also depreciated some old features in order to prepare for 0.5.0. The most notable is the remove of throw() and some people on twitter said that were emotional about its removal – in a good way, of course.

Solidity 0.4.13 released
