Category: Crypto News

BlackRock slams Bitcoin for being too risky, should only be take seriously if you are ready for complete losses

blackrock bitcoin

BlackRock is world’s biggest asset manager and since they are late in the Bitcoin race, they took no time to rip Bitcoin. In a report, their chief investment strategist said that while they do see cryptocurrencies becoming more widely used in future, they are currently too risky and should only be taken seriously by those who are ready for complete losses.


RobinHood is not a CryptoCurrency Exchange, uses GDAX, Gemini to fill orders

RobinHood cryptocurrency exchange

RobinHood is being touted to be the next big cryptocurrency exchange. Some even say that it will be the next coinbase since it allows users to buy/sell cryptocurrencies using fiat money. However, RobinHood is not ‘exactly’ an exchange at all since they themselves mention that they are using existing exchanges to do the trades. In other words, rather than operating as full trading exchange like Bittrex, Binance and Poloniex, the RobinHood uses GDAX, Gemini and few others to fill the orders.

Also, there is massive confusion over the trade fees. They have made people to believe that there are no trade fees. The fine print is – “You’ll never get charged a commission or additional trading fee on top of the execution price.”


Kyber Network Exchange Whitelist form is live: Sign up now to get early access

Kyber Network Exchange Whitelist form

Kyber Network is one of the most awaited decentralized exchanges of 2018 and today, they have announced on twitter that they are now accepting registrations for the mainnet launch of their cryptocurrency exchange. The whitelist is limited to only a few participants right now since the exchange is still in pilot mode. So if you want to be one of the lucky people to get whitelisted, make sure to fill the form to be the first to try it.


China wants to destroy Bitcoin Market by banning crypto exchanges

China cryptocurrency exchange ban

Chinese government has made it clear that it wants to block access to all portals and websites that are relegated to bitcoin, cryptocurrencies and ICOs that are located OUTSIDE China. This report came from Financial News, which is a publication managed by PBOC which said that in order to prevent financial risks, China will be stepping up its efforts to remove offshore / onshore platform related to cryptocurrency trading. Baidu, which is China’s Google, has stopped showing any ads related to cryptocurrencies.


Download Groestlcoin Miner: Groestlcoin Mining Calculator–How to mine GRS?

groestlcoin miner download nvidia amd

Groestlcoin (GRS) is an excellent cryptocurrency coin to mine. Using this Groestlcoin (GRS) mining calculator, we were able to 0.8-0.9GRS in 24 hours using the Nvidia GeForce GTX 1060 6GB GPU. This tutorial is for those who are not able to get official Groestlcoin Easy miner to work. This tutorial will help you to start mining by just editing the batch file. Just make sure your Anti Virus is off as they can lead to false alerts.


Accept Zcash on your blog using BitMate Author Donations wordpress plugin

BitMate Author Donations wordpress plugin

Bitmate Author Donations is a plugin for WordPress websites and its developer has added support for Zcash cryptocurrency in latest v2 version of the software. Zcash is one of the most popular privacy oriented cryptocurrencies and that lets you send or receive money without revealing anything. One really amazing thing about this plugin is fact it can run without Javascript on the front end and even on self hosted QR code generation. This means there is no reliance on the front-end services. Bitmate Author Donations also has support for other cryptocurrencies.


LELE Coin Airdrop for IGNIS coin holders: LELE snapshot date

lele airdrop snapshot date

Remember the IGNIS airdrop that happened back in December 2017 to the NXT holders? There is another airdrop coming but for IGNIS holders. LELE coin is an unofficial clone of the IGNIS blockchain and the team of LELE has not done any communication with the IGNIS team. The snapshot date is 28th February 2018 and airdrop will be distributed between 1st-3rd March. The ratio is 10 IGNIS:1 LELE.
