Category: Crypto News

Bitcoin in India Banned: Is Bitcoin in India legal? Panel tells Indian Government to Ban Bitcoin in India

Bitcoin in India Ban

Indian Finance Ministry has been informed by their internal panel to stop and discourage the use of bitcoins and other crypto currencies in India. The panel justifies this step in order to prevent people from potential frauds, drugs and stop money laundering. This very panel was formed by the Indian Finance Ministry back in April to suggest how to deal with digital currencies in India.


Bytecoin has new blockchain: Download official Bytecoin blockchain

Download official Bytecoin blockchain

Bytecoin has released a new official blockchain which is a welcome addition for the wallet users. All you have to do is download the bytecoin for your system from here and then download and install the entire blockchain in one go by following steps given below. Until there is no official bytecoin wallet with web node, this is a good choice. Bytecoin wallet is available for Windows, Mac OSX and Linux.


Poloniex to stop trading during hard fork, updates terms

Poloniex to stop trading during hard fork

Poloniex has updated its terms and conditions and has added multitude of references for the forks. In the section V in Risk Disclosure Statement, Poloniex has added that “Blockchain networks may go offline as a result of bugs, hard forks, or a number of other unforeseeable reasons.”In addition to that, in Section XVI, the popular crypto currency exchange says,


Cryptonator will not support Bitcoin Cash: No BCC support on Cryptonator

cryptonator bitcoin cash

Cryptonator, popular multi-currency wallet portal, has announced on their website that they would not be supporting the bitcoin cash, BCC. They say that there is no intention to support Bitcoin Cash fork immediately after the 1st of August as they have serious doubts if the Bitcoin Cash will survive or not. They add they have suspicions if bitcoin cash will boast any future market value.


Bitpanda will not give you Bitcoin Cash for your bitcoin: Contingency plan for Bitcoin Cash UAHF

bitpanda bitcoin cash

Bitpanda which is a popular crypto currency exchange in Europe has announced that if blockchain split happens after August 1st, 2017, they would not support Bitcoin Cash. They added that they do not support the contentious hard fork attempts and hence won’t credit its users with BCC coins according to your Bitcoin balance. In the future, it may be possible, that they add BCC as a trading pair, although this is yet to be decided.


Download Pivx Android Wallet: Official Pivx Android wallet available for download

download pivx wallet

Pivx has churned out its official mobile wallet for android devices. This will allow users to make mobile payments on the move. Pivx appears to be incredibly committed to their platform and have been fulfilling their promises one by one. There are already official Pivx wallets for windows, Mac, Linux and raspberry and people have been asking for mobile wallet from quite some time.


Coinhako to add Litecoin support to exchange

coinhako litecoin

Coinhako is a popular crypto currency exchange in Malaysia and Singapore. Currently, it offers trading in bitcoin and ethereum but there will soon be a new member. If the words from the famous, Charlie Lee are to be believed, the exchange will soon be adding support for Litecoin so you will be able to buy Litecoin using fiat currency. He said this after tweeting Coinhako to add litecoin on their platform.
