Category: Other

NavCoin Core v4.3.0 released, brings OpenAlias-ready domains to NavCoin addresses


Navcoin team has churned out v4.3.0 and one of the major changes this core wallet brings is support for OpenAlias-ready domains to NavCoin addresses. This means you will be able to assign a user friendly and more memorable name to your Navcoin address. For instance, we assigned to our address. NavCoin OpenAlias makes use of DNSSEC to prevent MITM attacks on the alias.


NEXT wallet v1.0.4 adds supports for LTC, PIVX, DASH, CROWN, VIA, PARTICL,PHORE

next wallet 1.0.4

Remember the NEXT wallet that we mentioned couple of months back? Well, its developer has updated it and has added support for many other cryptocurrencies that include Litecoin, PivX, Dash, Crown, Viacoin, Particl and Phore. Available for Windows, Mac and Ubuntu Linux operating systems, the NEXT is a lite wallet that lets you manage your funds without downloading entire blockchain. There is full node option available as well that lets you stake PoS coins and earn the stake – just like the Core wallet. 


FLO, FLDC, XVC, BCY, NXC, RADS, BLK, PINK and RIC delisted from Poloniex


Popular cryptocurrency exchange Poloniex has announced that on August 2nd 2018 UTC +0, it will delist a number of currencies from its exchange. This includes FLO, FLDC, XVC, BCY, NXC, RADS, BLK, PINK and RIC. Users have been told to finalize all trades and close any positions in these assets prior to August 2nd. Keep in mind that once these cryptocurrencies are delisted, you will only be able to withdraw them but that too till September 2nd – no more than that.
