Popular crypto hardware wallet seller, Ledger has churned out v2.11.1 of Ledger Live that adds powerful feature called Coin Control that adds many new features to the way you do Bitcoin transactions. One that caught our eye is optional privacy.

Popular crypto hardware wallet seller, Ledger has churned out v2.11.1 of Ledger Live that adds powerful feature called Coin Control that adds many new features to the way you do Bitcoin transactions. One that caught our eye is optional privacy.
Digital Currency Group has made announcement on their twitter account that they have acquired LunoMoney and by joining forces, Digital Currency Group will be accelerating the creation and adoption of a better, more accessible financial system.
DeFi is the buzz word in crypto industry and a lot of cryptocurrency projects are making sure that their project incorporates DeFi – Decentralized Finance – of some kind. Komodo developers have decided to rename their decentralized cryptocurrency exchange, Atomic DEX to Atomic DeFi.
Anonymous founder of Sushi Swap has sold off all of SUSHI tokens. He took out a total of 38011.32 ethereum by swapping SUSHI tokens for ether.
Samsung was very proud to position itself as one of the first handsets manufactures to equip their phone with a cryptocurrency hardware wallet chip that provided functionality similar to Trezor or Ledger Nano. This chip ensured that private keys never leave your phone and you are able to sign transactions securely.
Tron Wallet has launched a new feature called In App Offering (IAO). They have kicked of the In App Offering feature with flash sale of Klever coin (KLV), one week ahead of Klever app launch.
If you are an OMG token holder, today is a great day for you. Tether’s token, USDT that is tethered to US dollar.
Dash has partnered with Coinprofile, a Nigerian based cryptocurrency payments company. Coinprofile is providing its users with the best possible Dash experience, using InstantSend to solve inefficiencies and lower costs around remittances and payments.
After serving the Nano coin community for three years, folks at nano wallet have announced that they will be shutting down the Nano Wallet. This is going to be a planned, structured shutdown and users’ wallets won’t stop working all of a sudden.
YAM finance project is in huge danger as there is a severe bug in the rebase logic. Due to this, governance cannot happen anymore. YAM is an ERC-20 Ethereum token.