How to claim TWT airdrop by Binance?
Binance has airdropped TWT tokens to all binance spot, margin and future traders. So, if you have received 100 TWT token in your Binance wallet, consider yourself lucky. However, these TWT tokens will vanish after 5th January 2021 so you must follow these steps to claim TWT airdrop by Binance.

First, you need Trust wallet on your android or iOS phone. It is not available for desktop for now.
Second, you will need some BSC coin (binance smart chain) in your wallet in order to manage it. You can do this step later but we highly recommend having some BSC if you want to send TWT to another wallet or back to binance for some other coin.
This BSC is used for paying gas fees, similar to Ethereum where you need tiny bit of ethereum to pay for fees. TWT token is deployed on Binance Smart Chain which is full form of BSC.
Third, open this BSC address in Trust wallet and copy its address. Then, fire up Binance app and paste its address in withdrawal field as shown in video shown above. Binance currently charges 0.5 TWT as withdrawal fees so final amount that will show up inside Trust wallet will be 99.5 TWT.
And that is it. Within few minutes, TWT will arrive in your Trust wallet. If it does not shows up, make sure TWT is enabled by tapping on top right corner inside Trust wallet app.