Deep Brain Chain AI Machines are finally ready for delivery

DBC team has posted a message on their twitter account which says that the Deep Brain Chain AI Machines are ready for delivery to all miners who have not had their machines delivered. By this, Deep Brain Chain Foundation has fulfilled its original promise to upgrade the GPU servers from Nvidia GTX 1080Ti to Nvidia RTX 2080Ti.
In addition, Deep Brain Chain foundation has already found customers for the miner’s machines and it is possible to lease out the machines, if needed.
The buyers of the mining machines are required to reply back to their emails in order to complete the delivery which will be completed within 7 working days. If you have received a message about this on telegram, you must send an email to to confirm.
Many thought that Deep Brain Chain was a vaporware. Ever since it got listed on KuCoin, we have not heard much from their project other than DBC Foundation having financial issues.
By delivering the mining machines, Deep Brain Chain team has definitely fulfilled its promise. Whether this boost the value of DBC token is yet to be seen. DBC is still a token on NEO blockchain and is yet to have its own mainnet.