Zcash team avoided XMR style delisting
Zcash team knew delisting was coming to privacy coins and worked with Binance and other big cryptocurrency exchanges to ensure ZEC, the main token on Zcash blockchain does not get delisted.

Zcash team has communicated with their preference for the Unified Address option as opposed to T-address option to Binance exchange but so far, the team has not received a response.
The team has also published a draft specification of the Unified Address option and will finalize it based on community agreement. They are preparing parsing and encoding libraries for JavaScript and Rust, with anticipated library releases and Wallet SDK integration by mid-February. They have also documented the necessary standard encodings for wallets, exchanges, and other partners to generate TEX addresses, in case Binance or a considerable number of our partners express a preference for this option.
This is how Zcash team avoid XMR style delisting that has removed liquidity from the market for Monero in a big way. The only positive aspect of the t-addresses. CEX liquidity.
Zcash team says that while they might not love KYC-AML, and playing ball with the world’s biggest CEX, but as a practical matter – it is in Zcash’s best interest to remain as accessible to as many people as possible. Delistings cause significant damage to accessibility.