Category: Crypto News

Verge GUI miner is here, start mining using own computer now

verge gui miner

You can now download Verge GUI miner that makes mining XVG as easy as 1-2-3. GridcoreGFX, an avid Verge coin supporter and developer, is the person behind this XVG miner. It has easy-to-use user interface and lets you select the algorithm you want. If you have no idea, just stick to defaults, enter your XVG address and you’re good to go. You are shown statistics in real time. For instance, you are shown your hash rate, good and bad shares.


Aeon hard fork details: Aeon Sophia released and rebase of Aeon codebase

aeon hard fork

Aeon hard fork will be happening on June 3rd 2018 and while no new coin will be made, this is a pretty significant update. So if you mine Aeon or store them on local wallet, you will need to do the update. Just update the miner software such as XMR-STAK / XMRig and you will notice soon if your software is correct or not as the updated pool will simply reject the shares submitted by your mining machine.


Verge 51 percent attack: developer working on patch, new codebase coming soon

verge hack

Verge (XVG) was once again exploited today with 51 percent attack where one single miner bought lots of hashpower to gain control of Verge blockchain. Block 2155850 to 2206272 were mined with super-low-diff for the hackers. About 35 million Verge coins ($1.7M) were created in few hours rather than a few weeks – all alone by single person/group. Verge team has promised that code rebase is underway to prevent this in future.


Shipchain hit with cease and desist order


Shipchain, a token that runs on Ethereum blockchain has received cease and desist order. Shipchain’s token, SHIP providing an interesting study here for what happens if an ICO neglects what is generally ‘recommended’ nowadays for token sales which is no sales to US citizens, especially un-accredited, whether wrong or right. This has already led to 40 percent dump today.


Coincheck Japanese crypto exchange delists Monero, Zcash and Dash

Coincheck Monero Zcash Dash

Coincheck, a Japanese cryptocurrency exchange has announced that it will be delisting all pairs of privacy coins being traded on the exchange. This includes Monero, Zcash and Dash. Coincheck was bought by Monex, a brokerage firm that got infamous for the NEM hack where more than 530 million dollars worth of NEM were stolen. Coincheck has announced that it will no longer be supporting the aforementioned privacy cryptocurrencies.
