Binance Withdrawal Limit reduced to 0.05 BTC for non KYC users

Binance has not made it official but withdrawal limit for many non KYC users has been reduced to mere 0.05 BTC which is around 3000 dollars at time of this writing. While 0.05 BTC is enough for many new users who are just started investing in cryptocurrencies, it is way too low for old Binance users who enjoyed 2 BTC limit without doing any sort of KYC. 

binance withdrawal limit reduced

Bruxis financial investment review – Generate stable profits and provide high returns for our investors

Over the past decade, cryptocurrency trading has become a popular activity for millions of people. The increasing popularity of cryptocurrencies worldwide has not bypassed Nigeria. Investors, whether individuals or corporate, that want to make money in a short period of time, rush to various cryptocurrencies available in the market. 

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