Official Qtum mobile wallet application has been released. This makes Qtum the world’s first smart-contract capable mobile wallet. This means you will be able to make smart contracts on the move. Of course, you will be able to send and receive Qtum – just like other crypto currency wallets. It makes use of the iPhone’s touch ID feature to keep the funds secure and also allows faster access. It is much faster to swipe your thumb than enter the PIN.
Category: Crypto News
Palm Beach Confidential and ZenCash: PBC reassures its readers about ZEN
This is the best time to invest in ZenCash thanks to folks at Palm Beach Confidential who selected this very coin for their paid readers. A screenshot has been leaked by this reddit post which is suggesting them to hold on their investment in ZenCash. It adds that they were able to spike the price all the way to $28 on the first day itself and also bought the price down to $16 to re-buy it at cheaper price. Palm Beach Confidential assures its readers that ZenCash will be a big winner for them – just like Monero which has grown 4x times already.
Coinbase supports Bitcoin Segwit2x, rejects Bitcoin Gold
Coinbase, the most popular bitcoin exchange in USA has issued a statement about the upcoming bitcoin forks, Segwit2x (Bitcoin2x) and Bitcoin Gold (BTG). Segwit2x fork date is November 16th 2017 while the Bitcoin Gold fork occurred on October 23rd 2017. Due to lack of information about Bitcoin Gold, Coinbase has decided not to support it so you won’t get free BTG for your bitcoins. However, you will get free Bitcoin2x coins for the upcoming Segwit2x fork.
Kyber Network announces partnership with Enigma, OPSkins and WAX
Kyber Network has announced its partnership with three companies, WAX (worldwide asset exchange), OPSkins and Enigma. Kyber Network will be facilitating the payments on all three platforms which are already accepting bitcoin. OPSkins also has plans to start offering buyers to pay using Ethereum. Kyber Network will allow instant buy and sell of digital assets and also provide payment APIs that will allow them to receive payment in any crypto currency.
Red Pulse Exchanges, Coin Supply and Trading Pairs
Kucoin will be the first crypto currency exchange to list Red Pulse (RPX) coin. Two pairs – RPX / BTC and RPX / ETH will be made available and sellers will be able to deposit their RPX to Kucoin at 12:00, 26th October 2017 (UTC+8). Trading will start eight hours later at 20:00. Kucoin is a Chinese exchange and will allow Chinese and other users to buy/sell various crypto currencies including RPX token.
ICO ban coming to Japan? Japan ICO ban could be devastating for startup companies
Japan is responsible for 63 percent of total bitcoin trading. It is also home to lot of companies that do ICO but rumors are brewing that Japan could be next big country to ban ICO (initial coin offering). Company launches an ICO to raise funds from the public and it is touted as the best method to raise funds from the potential investors. Japan was the first country to support bitcoin as legal tender but the country is signaling to follow a different approach for ICOs.
OmiseGo Airdop Code Released: Download OMG Airdop code
OmiseGo is the most successful Ethereum ICO till date. Today, the company has released code for the airdrop that successfully completed on September 24th 2017. OmiseGo team says that it did total of 5242 transactions to send more than 7 million OMG tokens to whopping 460,000 Ethereum holders that qualified for the airdrop. Since then, there have been myriad requests to release the code to the public. OmiseGo team has listened to its community and shared the code with the public. They feel that the airdop code will be useful for the Ethereum community so that other Ethereum-based tokens can do a similar airdop for their crypto currency.
Ubiq and Expanse added to Ledger Nano S and Ledger Blue
Ledger, the company behind Nano S and Ledger Blue hardware wallets has announced support for two more crypto currencies – Ubiq and Expanse. Hardware wallet support is extremely important for the growth and security of users. It brings a new flux of users that usually buy crypto currencies that can be stored on their hardware wallets. Ledger and Trezor are two big names in industry for hardware wallets. Ledger Nano S features an OLED display that lets you the currency in use. It also lets you double-check and confirm each transaction with single tap on its side buttons.
Bitthumb to list Qtum: Qtum price up by 25%
If you are wondering why the price of Qtum got a massive pump, the reason is Bitthumb, Korea’s number 1 crypto currency exchange that is on verge of listing it on its exchange. There are other crypto currencies that are slated to make their debut on Bitthumb but for some reason, only Qtum has got this boost. Other crypto coins include Steem, IOTA, Stellar, EOS, NEO, Bitshares, Lisk, Stratis, TenX, OmiseGo, Zcash and Cosmos.
Ledger adds support for PivX, Vertcoin and Viacoin
Ledger Nano S and Ledger Blue now support three more crypto currencies that include PivX, Vertcoin and Viacoin. Both PivX and Vertcoin communities were actively involved in getting the proposal through. This has been an exciting week for all three cryptocurrencies, especially PivX that not only got Ledger integration but also got Zerocoin protocol activated and become most widely translated crypto coin as well.