Category: Other

Atomic DEX renamed to Atomic DeFi

DeFi is the buzz word in crypto industry and a lot of cryptocurrency projects are making sure that their project incorporates DeFi – Decentralized Finance – of some kind. Komodo developers have decided to rename their decentralized cryptocurrency exchange, Atomic DEX to Atomic DeFi.

komodo atomic defi

Binance Chain Mainnet hardfork for Nightingale update

Binance Chain will be doing a hard fork at block height 99,550,000 to do the Nightingale update. This is expected to be around 9th July 2020 at 5AM UTC. Binance Chain Mainnet Nightingale upgrade will bring support for new BEP8 mini tokens with low issue and list fees. Direct pathway to for BEP2 / BUSD DEX (decentralized exchange) listing will go live with this update.

Binance Chain Mainnet Nightingale