Recover funds from Litewallet – Extract Private Key from Litewallet – Litewallet Send Failed Not Connected error

Litewallet is officially endorsed as wallet of choice by, the website behind the Litecoin project. This wallet is amazing – simple and easy to use. But lately, a slew of users have been complaining about unable to send funds from Litewallet, getting Send Failed Not Connected error. The only way to access those lost funds is by extracting private key from Litewallet and pasting them in another cryptocurrency wallet.


We would be using Coinomi as it offers easy private key sweep and also lets us scan QR codes which we will be using to recover funds.

Okay, first we will need to make sure we have access to recovery phrase that you generated when you first created Litewallet, which was previously known as Loaf wallet. Then, fire up your laptop’s web browser, open incognito mode and open this website, Now, switch to airplane mode on your laptop as we don’t want this crucial information to be leaked elsewhere. Make sure your computer is not infected or has a malware that can see what you are about to type in.

Enter your Litewallet’s recovery phrase in BIP39 Mnemonic and set words to 12 as shown in screenshot below.

litewallet funds recovery

Scroll down and enter this in BIP32 Derivation Path


Switch to BIP32 tab and you will find slew of address which your Litewallet had been using. Hover your mouse over each private key and scan / sweep them in Coinomi wallet. You will find most of your addresses here but when I tried it, I did not find one. Someone informed me to change Derivation Path to following.


And then I found it. Keep in mind that it helps to have some knowledge of how blockchains work. Even if you were sending all of your Litecoins to single address, they still won’t be stored all together even if you send 0.5 LTC to your friend or a crypto exchange.

That is why if you take time to find out various addresses being used by spending some time on, most popular Litecoin blockchain explorer, you will have better chances to recover your funds.