Platypus DeFi exploited for over 8.5 million dollars

Platypus DeFi that claims to redefine stableswaps and reinventing stablecoins was recently hacked for whopping 8.5 million dollars in total. The developers have confirmed this hack on their official twitter account and have already informed various cryptocurrency exchanges to freeze the funds of the hacker. USDT held by the hacker has already been frozen. 

Platypus DeFi

Robinhood token RBH pumped more than 2000-percent

It’s often when we see websites and twitter accounts getting hacked. Earlier today, someone hacked Robinhood’s twitter account and announced RBH token. The tweet said “reminder, we are launching our new token RBH in the Binance Smart Chain. Will be live at 12AM EST and you can be amount the first to buy at starting price of $0.0005.” As you can already make out, there are many grammar mistakes which are not common on Robinhood’s twitter account. 

Robinhood token RBH

Guide: Understanding the Difference Between Crypto and NFT

Over the past couple of years, we have been able to read a lot about both NFTs and Crypto currencies. They have become very popular with many people wanting to get involved in these types of investments. However, they do share a lot of similarities which, therefore, can make it difficult to tell them apart. But even with many similarities they are completely different entities, and you can read more about how they are different in this article.


First Women blockchain conference to happen in 2023

First ever women-led blockchain conference will be happening in March 2023. Slated to take place in Cyprus, the platform aims to amplify underrepresented voices within blockchain, in order to give the skills and the confidence to anyone to blaze their own personal or professional trail within the metaverse.

Women blockchain conference