OmegaPro Crypto Project founder arrested by Turkish police

The founder of OmegaPro crypto project, who ran a ponzi scheme that scammed its investors for $4-billion dollars, has been arrested in Turkey.

omegapro crypto

Andreas Szakacs, the co-founder of OmegaPro was arrested and had changed to Emer Avci after changing his national identity from Sweden to Turkish.

Police has seized more than 32 cold wallets and myriad computers. So far, Andreas has not given passwords and private keys to any of the wallets though since the blockchains are public in nature, the authorities were able to keep an eye on $160 million worth of movements across various cryptocurrency chains.

Interestingly, OmegaPro exit scammed in late 2022, which is when the FTX cryptocurrency exchange collapsed. Also, US security agencies were not involved as OmegaPro carefully did not target US citizens.

Andreas Szakacs, despite changing his national identity, was living quite a life in Istanbul, Turkey. He was caught in one of his two villas. This arrest was done thanks to an unknown informant in later part of June. One Dutch national also have a statement to police how he lost $7-million due to OmegaPro crypto project which further made the entire case stronger against Andreas Szakacs.