Ledger Live API HTTP 400 error – Ledger Live 2.41.3 showing wrong Bitcoin and Litecoin balances

Ledger Live is the app that is used by Ledger hardware wallet users (Nano S, Nano X etc) to manage their cryptocurrency funds securely. The latest version of this software, Ledger Live 2.41.3, is reportedly showing inflated balances of their cryptocurrencies, most notably Bitcoin and Litecoin.
These extra coins do not actually exist on the blockchain as it is uneditable but it’s more of a software error, which has naturally made a lot of users happy. If you try to send these coins to a cryptocurrency exchange or another crypto wallet to cash out, you will get an error that looks like this.

API HTTP 400 occurs and it says Please check your connection and try again or contact Ledger Support. This error happens just after Ledger Live tries to broadcast your transaction on bitcoin or Litecoin’s blockchains, that is, it tries to send your so-called extra coins to miners so that they can mine them.
But in reality, they do not exist anywhere. So, if you too are seeing inflated balances, it’s just a software glitch. You can double check by entering your bitcoin’s or litecoin’s address on a blockchain explorer like blockcypher.com or blockchain.com, both of which are popular explorers for BTC and LTC cryptocurrencies.