Uniswap and KYC rumors are false
Uniswap is now preparing to push users to do mandatory KYC on their exchange. This would be interesting as Uniswap was launched to bring decentralized exchange that does not require registration or KYC from users.

Some said this was expected as volume on Uniswap grew multifold over the past two years. It is interesting to see developers behind Uniswap change narrative after every few months.
Unfortunately, the Uniswap and KYC rumors are absolutely false. This is simply a hook created by a community member. This can be confirmed from the aforementioned screenshot. Infact, Uniswap v4 intros hooks, arbitrary code that can be inserted into a pool lifecycle. A community member decided to build this.
Uniswap v4 will be permissionless – just like v1, v2 and v3). Hooks will allow anyone to build all kind of scripts, including permissioned pools using NFT gated systems which would enable onchain KYC checks.
In other words, as of now, there is no KYC expected on Uniswap but due to regulation, then that may change. Uniswap v4 will be permissionless and immutable (like v1, v2 and v3) so no, it won’t become mandatory. If you are thinkning about UI, I don’t think they would force it unless forced legally.