McAfeeDEX is live – McAfeeDEX tutorial

McAfeeDEX is now live despite being bombarded by plethora of DDOS attacks. currently supports only Ethereum based ERC20 tokens.

mcafeedex tutorial

If you’ve used forkdelta or dexdelta decentralized exchanges, you’ll feel right at home with McAfeeDEX. This is a little tutorial on how to use the McAfeeDEX.

1. First, you need to make a wallet. Click on new wallet and save the credentials, especially the private key.

2. Send some Ethereum to public address.

3. You can also use Metamask for additional security since it doesn’t share private key with websites. Metamask is available for both chrome and firefox.

4. Go to balances and transfer Ethereum from main wallet to McAfeeDEX wallet. If you want to sell your tokens, you should do the same for them. Now trade you favorite token by going into markets.

5. Watch the video below for detailed explanation.