TON token down as Telegram CEO gets arrested

Telegram CEO, Pavel Durov was arrested yesterday in France and as a result, the TON token is down quite a lot, more than 15 percent at time of writing. 

telegram ceo arrested

Durov was going to France via private jet and was stopped by OFMIN, a French agency on all sorts of bad causes that we cannot mention here. 

Right now, Pavel Durov is still in custody. The officials at OFMIN say his platform has been involved in myriad heinous crimes. 

It had a massive impact on the TON token, taking it down as much 17%. It is even being rumored that the Pavel could face upto 20 years in prison. 

Popular online figure, Balaji says it is another battle between network and state. On other hand, Vitalik Buterin, creator of Ethereum, says Telegram should have been serious with encryption from the very beginning. At same time, he added this overall looks bad for the software’s future and communication freedom in Europe. 

TON’s team has mentioned indirectly that authorities claim that Telegram’s lack of moderation and collaboration with law enforcement has led to this situation.