Download Coinomi for Windows and Mac
Popular cryptocurrency wallet software, Coinomi is now available for both Windows and Mac operating system. Until now, Coinomi was popular only for iOS and Android.

With launch of its desktop counterparts, users will be able to enjoy the same features as they have done on mobile devices.
Here are features of Coinomi for Windows and Mac.
Desktop delight
A sight for sore eyes! The same wallet you know and trust on your mobile, but now on your desktop or laptop computer.
Perfectly in-sync
Perfect harmony. Restore your mobile wallet and see all your transactions on your computer as well.
Strong security
Our desktop app uses the identical system logic used so successfully on our core mobile wallet.
Mood modes
Sitting in the office, or relaxing at home? Dark and Light modes are available to match your preference.
Download the wallets from Coinomi’s website.