Bytecoin Amethyst v3.4.0 released, brings features like unlinkable addresses and signature pruning to the masses
Bytecoin team has churned out full release of Amethyst that brings a slew of updates to retool the Bytecoin platform.

Amethyst was previously in the beta stages and today, Bytecoin team has released stable release of Amethyst that brings follow changes and features. Keep in mind that these changes will be introduced by doing a hard fork that is slated to happen sometime in month of March 2019.
Deterministic wallets – until now, the wallet keys and passwords were kept together in the wallet file. So if you lost your password, the funds cannot be recovered. Amethyst introduces mnemonic passphrases that allows users to regain access to their wallet easily.
Unlinkable addresses – With Amethyst, the Bytecoin developers have found a way to create totally unlinkable addresses. This will allow you to share same view keys without outside observer being able to make out if the addresses have same derivative key.
Implicit wallet history – Amethyst will allow only the transaction senders to restore destination addresses from transaction data by adding single byte per output to the blockchain. This has enabled the Bytecoin developers to get rid of public transaction keys altogether.
Auditable view-only addresses – With the Amethyst update, auditable file-versions of wallets can be shared in Bytecoin community with option of letting authors view the destination addresses on transactions.
Blockchain adaption – Each miner states his preferred blocksize and median of gathered votes, then becomes the maximum blocksize.
Signature pruing – With the Amethyst update, Bytecoin developers have a way to put signatures on their own hash which will allow them to prune the signatures out of blocksize. This means smaller blockchain size.
Those are a lot of new features and with this upcoming Amethyst update, Bytecoin will be elevating itself into the next sphere of development.