BAT token no longer credited to iOS users

Brave team has announced that iPhone and other iOS users will no longer earn BAT tokens. Brave web browser team was not able to convince Apple to let people receive BAT tokens as it falls under Apple’s policy of only using app store to buy things.
If you are android user, you will still be earning BAT tokens while using Brave web browser. But if you are an iOS user, it is now time to import your account onto an android device or laptop / desktop. Clearly, this is bad news for Brave and iPhone users.
Few months back, Trust wallet team was forced to remove DAPP browser from their app. Similar rule came into effect for Coinbase wallet that too made use of DAPP web browser inside its app.
When you are in Apple’s garden, you must follow their rules. Their rules clearly say that that the only allowed currency inside an app is using in-app purchases. This is why Apple is banning / preventing app developers to not let users earn cryptocurrencies or access websites that let them trade cryptocurrencies, unless it is a proper cryptocurrency exchange like binance.