Submit Press Release
If you have an exciting project, you can get it published on CryptoCoinDaddy website. For just a little amount, we will post your press release on our portal and keep it pinned on the homepage for 5-days. To submit a press release, send us an email.
We will also post a link to your press release on our Facebook and Twitter page. We accept following payment methods.
Price is $100.
Bitcoin (BTC)
Ethereum (ETH)
Bitcoin Cash (BCH)
We also accept ETC, LTC, NAV, NEO, PIVX, XMR, KMD, XEM, VTC, GRS and QTUM. Send us an email to to know the address.
Our mission is to give readers with useful information so make sure, you keep these things in mind while writing your press release:
1) 300 words atleast
2) Maximum of two outbound links
3) Upto three media units – YouTube / Images

Keep in mind that it is totally upto the staff of crypto coin daddy to publish your post or not. Please do not send us PR or articles about obvious scams and pyramid schemes. We will most certainly not publish them.