Claim JEX Token Airdrop by holding BNB
It is a great time to hold Binance coin (BNB) as the exchange behind it will be airdropping JEX token to all BNB holders. Binance has kept aside 200,000,000 JEX tokens for airdrop.
How to claim JEX tokens?
It is actually very simple. All you have to do is hold more than 10 Binance coins (BNB) from 2019/09/06 0:00 AM (UTC) to 2019/10/06 0:00 AM (UTC). Everyday, the exchange will be recording your lowest BNB balance during the aforementioned period.
After that, starting 6th October 2019, you will start getting JEX tokens equivalent to 30 percent of profit generated by Binance JEX exchange.
Keep in mind that you must store the Binance coins on the exchange in order to qualify for this airdrop. So, if you have it stored on Trust wallet or any other place, other than Binance, we suggest moving them to Binance to qualify for JEX token airdrop. Do not store BNB in margin account as it is not included for JEX airdrop‘s calculation.
For the curious ones, here is the formula that is being used.
JEX received by each user = Total JEX tokens to be distributed * User BNB holdings ratio.
User BNB holdings ratio = Lowest user BNB holding amount each day / Total of all lowest user BNB holding amounts each day.
You will be getting the airdrop within two weeks of each holding period. The monthly airdrop will run for atleast one year but may be adjusted for second year.