Litecoin Core v0.14.2 release brings new features, bug fixes, performance improvements

Download Litecoin Core v0.14.2

Litecoin developer team has churned out release of 0.14.2 to the public. This is a major release that includes new features and of course, many bug fixes and performance improvements. All the users are requested to upgrade to this new version.

According to the official change log, there are many new changes including New Multisig Address Prefix, miniupnp CVE-2017–8798, reset of testnet, Performance Improvements, Manual Pruning, depreciation of getinfo, ZeroMQ notification system, Nested RPC Commands in Debug Console, Network Activity Toggle, Out-of-sync Modal Info Layer and Support for JSON-RPC Named Arguments.

There are many GUI changes as well.

* After resetting the options by clicking the Reset Options button in the options dialog or with the -resetguioptionsstartup option, the user will be prompted to choose the data directory again. This is to ensure that custom data directories will be kept after the option reset which clears the custom data directory set via the choose datadir dialog.

* Multiple peers can now be selected in the list of peers in the debug window. This allows for users to ban or disconnect multiple peers simultaneously instead of banning them one at a time.

* An indicator has been added to the bottom right hand corner of the main window to indicate whether the wallet being used is a HD wallet. This icon will be grayed out with an X on top of it if the wallet is not a HD wallet.